Monday, August 18, 2008

A strange day

Its 3 AM. At the moment I am on my way home (Mehsana). The ride today in this coach is really bumpy, I can’t understand how everyone around me is fast asleep. I tried sleeping too, but in vain. So here I am blogging in the train as I listen to some of my favorite songs. You should have started expecting something so ridiculous; I’ve been blogging for quite some time now ;).

Well, last day was really strange or you could also call it interesting. Depends on which part interests you. There are 3 parts to it. One is related to a dream that I had, second – since it was a Saturday, I had my Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC)class (I have already written a blog on this special lecture before) and the third is a lucky escape from death (phew!!!).
First the dream, I dreamt that my 10th standard class teacher was in NMIMS, and that I had taken Hindi as one of my subjects (she used to teach us Hindi in school and was a very strict teacher). So on this fine day, she decided to take a surprise test, and as I am not the one to study in advance, I couldn’t answer anything. Obviously I wasn’t gonna give up that easy, so I copied :p. But there was another surprise in store, she had seen me copy and therefore instead of getting a zero, I got a negative score and the dream (nightmare) finally came to an end. More on this a little ahead….

It was 9am, time to get up for my IMC class, which although was scheduled for 9am, was unofficially supposed to start at 10 am. But if getting up at 12 noon becomes a routine, a 9am start to the day can be a really demanding task. So obviously after numerous failed attempts by the alarm to get me out of bed (even an alarm can be such a motivator, despite repeated rejections, it does its job dutifully), I rescheduled it for 11 am (just like last week :p). Later in the day, I learnt that the class was eventually cancelled as the faculty had failed to turn up. J
The coming four days, will start with my mom scolding me on this habit of getting up late, I really miss her scolding so much ;).

The next lecture was of Production Planning and the faculty is pretty much similar to my 10th std class teacher. And guess what, there was a surprise test and just like my dream, I hardly knew anything :p. Now that’s some freaking coincidence….(the surprise test was a coincidence…me not knowing anything was expected ;))

Finally it was time to get back to my flat and get ready for my train journey. On my way back, I was talking to a friend from NITIE about a case study competition entry (on ‘save the environment’ theme) that both of us had sent; as I was about to enter my building, I heard a loud thud…A coconut had fallen from the tree at the building’s entrance and landed just 5m ahead of me…Guess nature wasn’t very appreciative of my feeble attempt to save it and chose this way to let me know ;)

An emergency trip to the hospital in Mumbai can be a real nightmare at any time of the day, its so common to see ambulances getting stuck up in traffic jams and obviously nobody has the time to spare and let another vehicle pass by. The feeling is sickening, it makes me wonder, what this much talked about ‘Spirit of Mumbai’ is all about…:(

Thank you God for saving me the trouble and letting me write another blog ;)

1 comment:

sanjay said...

great read like always